Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Dr. Seuss Crazy Hair Day

In honor of Dr. Seuss, today was Crazy Hair day at school.  The kids looked so great with their crazy hair and we had fun looking and laughing at each other!

Valentines Day 2010

Valentines Day was celebrated on Friday this year. We started the day with writting in our journals about who we love and what we would give the people they love. These kiddo's have such huge hearts it as hard tonarrow it down to one person they loved!!

After lunch we had Beauty Shop and then the party began!
We did pin the heart on the Valentine Bee. Miss Liz and Miss Stefie were having a hard time with the blind fold so they used Miss Stefie's scarf, it was hilarious to wrap up their faces and listen to them laugh and giggle while they tried to find the bee...we were laughing so hard we cried at some points. Some kids had such a hard time finding the bee-they just stuck the hearts to teachers!
We did an art project with white paper hearts, pink paint, and a golf ball! It was a lot of fun.
We decorated valentine cookies.  We read Valentine books for story time.
And we put on our "Mail Delivery" hats and delivered our valentines to our friends in the class. It was great fun to see the kids sharing with their friends, so excited to give them the cards and treats.
As always thanks to the parents for their lovely donations for this party, we couldn't do it with out you!
Happy Valentines!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The 100th Day of School

Today was the 100th day of school.  We have been anticipating this day for weeks!  We celebrated by wearing our very best clothes. Miss Stefie always dresses up for a "bundle of 10" day, so the bundle of 100 was a super super special day and some of us dressed to the "9's"!
We started the day writing in our journals about what the kids each brought to school.  The kids got to bring 100 of something they had at home.  They were very creative and we saw some fun things come in.
For math we counted 100 balloons then POPPED them on the playground.  Then we went in and weighed the kids 100 things with the scale.  We guessed which one would weigh the most and then tested it with the scale. 
After down time we got to have snack and it was the best! Miss Stefie and her son made a 100 cake for the snack.  The kids voted for a blue cake that looked like a Puffle. (Not sure what a Puffle looks like? Check out Club Penguin)  The cake was a big hit and the kids ate it right up.
Then we moved on to Miss Melonyi painting 100's on faces.  Everyone was so brave and got their face painted.  After that we got our 100 crowns!! And our balloons to take home!!
It was a fun day

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Sensory Fun Time

There is nothing better than SHAVING CREAM in a Kindergarten class!!