Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Sensory Fun Time

There is nothing better than SHAVING CREAM in a Kindergarten class!!

Nut Cracker at Ballet West 2009

The Kindergarteners were dressed to the "nines" for the Nut Cracker this year! They all looked so lovely and behaved themselves better than the older grades.
They got to ride the bus into the city and sit in the balcony of the Theatre. It was so much fun!

Polar Express Christmas Party

This year Kindergarten was invited on a magical train ride called the Polar Express. The children were able to wear their pajamas to school, the girls got a special "beauty shop" session, eat lunch in the classroom while watching the Polar Express movie, drink hot chocolate, and decorate christmas cookies.  The entire day was a celebration and we had so much fun.
Thanks to all the parents that donated the wonderful treats and supplies! We could not do it with out you!

Gingerbread House

Our class made a Gingerbread House for our snack time activity.  The kids were divided into 4 groups, each group got to decorate a side of the house. It was lovely to look at and even more lovely to EAT!!

PS Gingerbread houses are easy to make....Thanks J!

Kindergarten Christmas Program 2009

Kindergarten teamed up with the 1st graders and sang a medely of Christmas songs for their parents and families.  The kids looked adorable and sang their hearts out!
Good job Kindergarten!