Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween Party

Our Halloween Party this year was a BLAST! The kids started the day making a scary witch using geometric shapes with Miss Melonyi, Halloween Paper Dolls with Miss Stefie, the kids got to choose a witch or a wizard. Then they got to make 3 Goblin Finger Puppets with Miss Liz.

The Halloween festivities started at 2pm with a Cake Walk in Miss Krisanne's room. Admiral Guiaque's 5th grade class joined us for the Cake Walk, and we had a lot of fun with them.

At 2:45pm the Halloween Parade started. Thanks to all the parents that came to watch the kids parade through the gym. The kids had a lot of fun showing off their amazing costumes.

After the parade we played a Halloween Bingo game. The kids were having a blast, but as the school day came to a close, the party had to an end. The kids were able to leave with Halloween gift bags from Camille and lots of candy and prizes from Breanna, Sophia, Jacob, Jared, Annie, Kooper, Madie, Nathan, and Ben.

Thanks to all the parental support this week you really made this a WONDERFUL holiday.

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